Tech Labels

OI-TECH Label Printing

Say goodbye to misfiles forever. We can help you implement a color coded filing system (with options for inclusive bar-codes and/or embedded RFID labels). Rid yourself of your old filing cabinets, increase available space, and improve physical retrieval time by as much as 100%.

Our privately branded print systems are fully maintained with both product and help desk support, as well as costs for consumables (i.e. ink, toner) included with your labels. Label designs are custom-tailored to suit individual customer needs and requirements; since all of our design work is done in house, changes (if needed) can be made quickly and efficiently.

We provide an extremely user-friendly application that can be accessed from anywhere that there is an internet connection and color printer available – once you’ve implemented on-demand labels, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without them!


8″ OI-Tech Labels

All-in-One file folder Labels with optional text, color-coding, barcodes and/or RFID tag.


4″ RFID Labels

Black-and-White or colored RFID labels with text and barcode.


Pre-printed RFID Labels

Pre-printed folder labels (with bar coding and/or RFID tags) and folders to match your existing color coding or custom design.



Matching or custom bar code with or without embedded RFID technology.